Be Sure to Vote for What’s Important to YOU!

Family  •  Life  •  Parents Rights
Responsible Spending of your Tax Dollars

Property Rights  •  Lower Taxes  • Election Integrity

Local Control/Limited Government

Meet Tony

Tony was born & raised on a dairy farm outside of Alexandria SD. He is the 5th oldest of 15 children.

Making his home in Sioux Falls, he and his wife, Katie, raised 5 children who are now adults.

Since 1983, he owns and operates his financial services company. He is currently the Senior Vice President with a significant client base at multiple locations.

Tony is a member and leader in his church at Holy Spirit Parish. He volunteers weekly at the Bishop Dudley Homeless Shelter and started a garden program that provides 3500 meals a year feeding the homeless.

He currently sits on the Board of Directors for Catholic Men’s Business Fraternity and Brothers In Christ.

Tony believes that with his growing up on a dairy farm with 14 siblings, it gives him the work ethic and strong sense of family today.

Working 40 years closely with families and their finances gives him a great perspective of individuals and family’s needs and concerns.

Growing a successful business and being involved with several boards has given him great leadership experience.



Tony Kayser is Pro-

  Life – believing in respecting of life from conception to natural death

  Family – giving parents the right to be involved and protect their children on  many levels.

Limited Government
– His stand is that government works best when there is more local control.

Lower Taxes
– He will look for ways to be a better steward of your tax dollars

Election Integrity
– is working together with counties to perform transparent & secure elections.

Tony Kayser Family

I am seeking to serve God and neighbors while standing on my core beliefs and values.

I am open to listening and learning all sides of an issue, then making a well informed decision.

You will know who I am when I go to serve and come back as I left.


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